Publicações VIII

Editado em 2009.
Autor: Victor S. Gonçalves
Edição: Câmara Municipal de Cascais
This monograph presents the prehistoric use of Poço Velho caves from a tripartite perspective. First of all there is the history of the discovery and the excavations in 1879 ( António Mendes - Carlos Ribeiro) and the new and last excavations in 1941 (Abreu Nunes), the comments on the caves in scientific circles and the entire troubled history of the site. Secondly, after presenting the structure of the various descriptive items for the archaeological material, there is the description and commentaires on the objects and artefacts. The third part includes the absolute and relative chronology (13 radiocarbon dates), establishing comparisons with the main monuments and sites, with particular emphasis on those in the Cascais region. Finally, there is the integral inventory of the material, now housed at the Instituto Geológico e Mineiro Museum and at the Conde Castro Guimarãres Museum, and a bibliography with comments. A new plan and new cutaway views of the caves are also published.

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